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Scheduled Broadcasts

F10:05p-12:00mABC Ballarat [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Capricornia [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Central Coast [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Central VIC [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Central West NSW [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Coffs Coast [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Far North QLD [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Gippsland [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Gold Coast [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Goulburn Murray [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Illawarra [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Mid North Coast [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Mildura-Swan Hill [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC NW QLD [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC New England NW [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Newcastle [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC North Coast [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC North QLD [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Northern TAS [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Brisbane [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Canberra [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Hobart [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Melbourne [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Sydney [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Riverina [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC SE NSW [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC SW VIC [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Shepparton [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Southern QLD [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Sunshine Coast [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Tropical North [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Upper Hunter [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Western Plains [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Western QLD [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Wide Bay [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Wimmera [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i)
F10:35p-12:30aABC Broken Hill [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Eyre Peninsula [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC North and West [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Adelaide [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Riverland [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC SE SA [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i)
F11:05p- 1:00aABC R Australia [MP3][aac+][HLS][MP3][HLS] (i)
F11:05p-12:00mABC Esperance [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Goldfields [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Great Southern WA [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Kimberley [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Mid West and Wheatbelt [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Pilbara [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Perth [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC SW WA [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i)
F11:35p- 1:30aABC Alice Springs [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Darwin [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i)
Sa 3:05p- 4:30pABC Esperance [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Goldfields [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Great Southern WA [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Kimberley [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Mid West and Wheatbelt [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC Pilbara [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC R Perth [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i), ABC SW WA [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i)